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➊14 pieces of 6.3MM series 6-point socket ❸18 pieces of 6.3MM series screwdriver socket 41 pieces of 6.3MM series screw handle*
Flower shape: T10,15,20,25,30,40*
❺1 piece of 6.3MM series sliding rod*
Hexagon: 3,4,5,6,8MM
❷2 pieces of 6.3MM series steering rod
Cross: #1, #2 (2 sets)
❻1 piece of 6.3MM series universal joint 2", 4"* word: 4,5.5,6.5MM
❼1 piece of 6.3MM series quick-falling ratchet wrench
New specifications
❽4 pieces of 6.3MM series 6-point long sleeve*
109 pieces of 6.3MM series 25MM long screwdriver head
One word: 4,5,6MM
Cross: #1, #3
❾1 piece of 6.3MM series screwdriver head connector*

Hexagon: 3,4,5,6MM

Auto repair tools

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    Import Dutites & Taxes

    Were required Customer will be liable to pay import duties and taxes on purchases if product shipped from outisde of there own country.
    Trycabo members recieve all items at wharehouse prices 
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